API integration
Direct integration
Direct integration allows you to accept payments using your own payment page. At the same time, the integration allows making payment by payment cards and using alternative payment methods.
Interaction format:
Note: the use of direct integration when collecting card data on the merchant side requires PCI DSS certification.
If you're collecting payment data yourself without using a widget when using direct integration, make sure you're using the following validation:
Card expiration date validation.
Checking the card number according to the (Luhn algorithm).
The entered CVV/CVC contains only numbers.
Features of using direct integration:
- The payment page must use the HTTPS protocol.
- Customer details must be persistent and unique.
- Use the HTTP
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
pos_id | UUID | ✅ | Merchant's identifier (POS_ID ) |
mode | MODE | ✅ | direct |
method | METHOD | ✅ | Payment method (auth or purchase ) |
amount | Number | ✅ | Transaction amount |
currency | CURRENCY | ✅ | Transaction currency (ISO_4217) |
description | String | ✅ | Payment description |
order_id | String | ✅ | Unique identified of order |
order_3ds_bypass | String | ✅ | 3-D Secure flow option |
cc_number | CC_NUMBER | ✅ | Card number |
exp_month | Number | ✅ | Card expiration month field |
exp_year | Number | ✅ | Card expiration year field |
card_cvv | String | ✅ | Card CVV |
products | Array[Product] | Array of products to be paid | |
customer_id | String | Customer identifier in merchant's system | |
customer_fname | String | ✅ | Customer first name |
customer_lname | String | ✅ | Customer last name |
customer_email | String | ✅ | Customer email |
customer_phone | String | ✅ | Customer phone |
customer_ip | String | ✅ | Customer IP address |
customer_country | String | Customer country (ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2)). For instance, UA for Ukraine | |
server_url | URL | Webhook notification will be sent to this URL | |
result_url | URL | Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment. | |
merchant_mcc | MCC | MCC for this transaction | |
payload | String | Field for merchant custom data. Max 4000 symbols. | |
validation_url | String | Preflight request will be sent to this URL | |
browser_fingerprint | Json | ✅ | Browser fingerprint. These parameters could be used in 3DS 2.0 verification. |
cryptogram | Json | Cryptogram parameters. | |
customer_referrer | URL | Page customer is redirected from. |
Depending on whether the request is full card data or a token, you need to pass the following parameters:
- Using full card data:
. - Using tokens:
In addition to supporting payments with tokens received after card payments, we also support tokens generated during the first payment via Apple Pay or Google Pay. These tokens should be passed in the cc_token
For example:
"cc_token":"rcr:ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv" (token after an Apple Pay or Google Pay payment)
"cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyND7sSjdD0S8TQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlz M3hYaXJMWEZv" (token after a card payment).
Example request using card data:
$ curl "https://api.finline.io/api/v1/payment" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '{
"pos_id": "${POS_ID}",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "purchase",
"amount": 1,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "Order description",
"order_id": "123",
"order_3ds_bypass": "always",
"cc_number": "4242424242424242",
"exp_month": 2,
"exp_year": 24,
"card_cvv": "111",
"server_url": "https://callback.blackhole.com/callback",
"result_url": "https://example.com/result",
"payload": "sale=true",
"customer_referrer": "https://example.com",
"browser_fingerprint": {
"browserColorDepth": "24",
"browserScreenHeight": "860",
"browserScreenWidth": "1600",
"browserJavaEnabled": "false",
"browserLanguage": "uk-UA",
"browserTimeZone": "Europe/Kiev",
"browserTimeZoneOffset": "-120",
"browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
"browserIpAddress": "",
"browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.146 Safari/537.36"
Example request using token:
$ curl "https://api.finline.io/api/v1/payment" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '{
"pos_id": "${POS_ID}",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "purchase",
"amount": 1,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "Order description",
"order_id": "123",
"order_3ds_bypass": "always",
"cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
"server_url": "https://callback.blackhole.com/callback",
"result_url": "https://example.com/result",
"payload": "sale=true",
"customer_referrer": "https://example.com",
"browser_fingerprint": {
"browserColorDepth": "24",
"browserScreenHeight": "860",
"browserScreenWidth": "1600",
"browserJavaEnabled": "false",
"browserLanguage": "uk-UA",
"browserTimeZone": "Europe/Kiev",
"browserTimeZoneOffset": "-120",
"browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
"browserIpAddress": "",
"browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.146 Safari/537.36"
Response parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
payment_id | UUID | Unique Financial Line payment identifier |
order_id | String(≤256) | Unique identifier of order |
gateway_order_id | GW_ID | Unique order identifier in bank acquirer system. |
billing_order_id | BILLING_ID | Unique Financial Line billing identifier |
transaction_id | UUID | Financial Line transaction identifier |
pos_id | UUID | Merchant's identifier (POS_ID ) |
mode | MODE | direct |
method | METHOD | Payment method (auth or purchase ) |
amount | Number | Transaction amount |
currency | CURRENCY | Transaction currency (ISO_4217) |
description | String(≤2048) | Payment description |
status | STATUS | Transaction status |
status_code | STATUS_CODE | Financial Line payment status code |
status_description | STATUS_DESCRIPTION | Financial Line payment status code description |
user_action_required | Boolean | Either customer action is required to proceed with payment |
user_action_url | URL | If user_action_required is true then user should be redirected to this URL |
eci | ECI | Electronic Commerce Indicator - authentication result of credit card payment on 3D Secure |
mcc | MCC | MCC for this transaction |
options_3ds | String | 3-D Secure flow option |
cc_mask | CC_MASK | Card number mask |
cc_token | CC_TOKEN | Financial Line card token generated for this card |
cc_token_expiration | String | Token expiration timestamp |
customer_id | String | Customer identifier in merchant's system |
customer_ip | String | Customer IP address |
customer_fname | String | Customer first name |
customer_lname | String | Customer last name |
customer_email | String | Customer email |
customer_phone | String | Customer phone |
customer_country | String | Customer country (ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2)). For instance, UA for Ukraine |
result_url | URL | Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment. |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when transaction was created |
processing_time | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when transaction was updated last time |
fee | Object | Amount and currency of commission |
fixed_fee | Object | Amount and currency of fixed commission (fee), which constitutes a portion of the total commission (fee) |
percent_fee | Object | Amount and currency representing the interest commission (fee), which constitutes a portion of the total commission (fee) |
payload | String | Field for custom data |
bank_short_name | String | Bank short name. |
Response example:
"payment_id": "9b1392a5-d030-4e85-b02d-9b7191ea2a5e",
"order_id": "123",
"gateway_order_id": "9B39A076243EB3EBB0925EAA981763AC:158545961",
"billing_order_id": "11231231231",
"transaction_id": "a8d80c86-0c7b-41bc-b63d-1e78f80edcd9",
"pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "purchase",
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "Order description",
"status": "pending",
"status_code": "2122",
"status_description": "3DS verification is required to finish the transaction.",
"user_action_required": true,
"user_action_url": "http://secure.secure3d.net/s3st?a=start_3ds&tid=a8d81c860c7b41bcb65d1e78f80edcd923ac18d5dd1d4a37e6c7df7d5e4bec74ab5d790b",
"eci": "7",
"mcc": "4900",
"options_3ds": "supported",
"cc_mask": "424242******4242",
"cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
"cc_token_expiration": "2020-10-10T10:10:22",
"customer_id": "123",
"customer_ip": "",
"customer_fname": "Tom",
"customer_lname": "Hanks",
"customer_email": "tom.hanks@example.com",
"customer_phone": "+380999999999",
"customer_country": "UA",
"result_url": "https://example.com/result",
"created_at": "2018-10-10T10:10:22.100",
"processing_time": "2018-10-10T10:10:23.300",
"fee": {
"amount": 136,
"currency": "UAH"
"percent_fee": {
"amount": 126,
"currency": "UAH"
"fixed_fee": {
"amount": 10,
"currency": "UAH"
"payload": "sale=true",
"bank_short_name": "Bank name"
When utilizing certain alternative payment methods, there may be instances where the payer can make partial payments, leading to changeable transaction amounts. In such scenarios, the response will also include the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
processed_amount | Number | The amount that was actually paid by the customer and processed by the payment system. It applies to payments where the final payment amount can be changed by the payer. |
processed_currency | String(≤256) | Actual currency of payment with processed_amount. It applies to payments where the final payment amount can be changed by the payer. |
Response example with changeable amount:
"operation_id": "f7d0c7cb-af32-441f-b2af-4d90d4da70e1",
"payment_id": "fdf1a710-8a34-414c-b023-b7e78104301a",
"order_id": "123",
"transaction_id": "4f98dc46-ffff-4ba7-a267-286fe7669894",
"pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "refund",
"amount": 1000,
"currency": "UAH",
"status": "success",
"status_code": "1004",
"status_description": "Refund successful.",
"created_at": "2018-10-10T10:10:10.100",
"processing_time": "2018-10-10T10:10:12.000",
"processed_amount": 980,
"processed_currency": "UAH",
"fee": {
"amount": 136,
"currency": "UAH"
"percent_fee": {
"amount": 126,
"currency": "UAH"
"fixed_fee": {
"amount": 10,
"currency": "UAH"
In addition, the following data regarding the fingerprint of the payer's browser must be submitted in the request:
Parameter | Type | Description |
browserColorDepth | String | Browser's color depth |
browserScreenHeight | String | Browser's screen height |
browserScreenWidth | String | Browser's screen width |
browserJavaEnabled | String | Browser's java enabled |
browserLanguage | String | Browser's language |
browserTimeZone | String | Browser's timezone |
browserTimeZoneOffset | String | Browser's timezone offset |
browserAcceptHeader | String | Browser's accept header |
browserIpAddress | String | Browser's IP address |
browserUserAgent | String | Browser's user agent |
An example of a payer's browser fingerprint:
"browser_fingerprint": {
"browserColorDepth": "24",
"browserScreenHeight": "860",
"browserScreenWidth": "1600",
"browserJavaEnabled": "false",
"browserLanguage": "uk-UA",
"browserTimeZone": "Europe/Kiev",
"browserTimeZoneOffset": "-120",
"browserAcceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8",
"browserIpAddress": "",
"browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.146 Safari/537.36"
Hosted integration
Hosted integration will allow you to accept payments from customers from the Financial Line payment page. This payment setup method allows you to use payment cards, digital wallets Apple Pay and Google Pay, and other payment methods.
Interaction format:
To create a hosted integration payment, use the POST
HTTP method.
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
pos_id | UUID | ✅ | Merchant's identifier (POS_ID ) |
mode | MODE | ✅ | hosted |
method | METHOD | ✅ | Payment method (auth or purchase ) |
amount | Number | ✅ | Transaction amount |
currency | CURRENCY | ✅ | Transaction currency (ISO_4217) |
description | String | ✅ | Payment description |
order_id | String | ✅ | Unique identified of order |
order_3ds_bypass | String | ✅ | 3-D Secure flow option |
products | Array[Product] | Array of products to be paid, empty array can be specified | |
customer_id | String | Customer identifier in merchant's system | |
customer_fname | String | Customer first name | |
customer_lname | String | Customer last name | |
customer_email | String | ✅ | Customer email |
customer_phone | String | ✅ | Customer phone |
customer_ip | String | Customer IP address | |
customer_lang | String | Checkout language. Supported values. | |
customer_country | String | Customer country (ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2)). For instance, UA for Ukraine | |
server_url | URL | Webhook notification will be sent to this URL | |
result_url | URL | Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment. | |
merchant_mcc | MCC | MCC for this transaction | |
payload | String | Field for custom data. Max 4000 symbols. | |
validation_url | URL | Preflight request will be sent to this URL |
Request example:
$ curl -i "https://api.finline.io/api/v1/payment" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST -d '{
"pos_id": "${POS_ID}",
"mode": "hosted",
"method": "purchase",
"amount": 1,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "description_1",
"order_id": "123",
"order_3ds_bypass": "always",
"server_url": "https://callback.blackhole.com/callback",
"result_url": "https://example.com/result",
"payload": "sale=true"
A 303 HTTP response status to a successful request contains a Location
header to which the customer should be redirected to proceed with payment.
Response example:
HTTP/2 303
# .. other headers
Location: https://api.finline.io/api/v1/checkout/1b806782-3d97-4444-abb9-6e4b45d34663/form
Next steps
To test the payment process:
- Create an account in the merchant portal.
- Use the authentication data of the test project.
- Integrate services recurring payments.
- Configure webhooks.
- Use the test data to obtain different operation result codes.
- Handle received errors.
Find more details in the integration checklist.
After completing the testing to go live, you need:
- Create a live project in the merchant portal.
- With direct integration: pass PCI DSS certification (if you intend to work with card data of the payers on your side).
- After receiving information from our Compliance team about the completion of the settings for the project, make changes to the authentication data using the data of the live project.