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Every request to the Financial Line API must be authenticated. Authentication takes place using HTTP headers and the following variables:

POS_IDPoint Of Sale identifier. Used to uniquely identify merchant in API.dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667
API_KEYKey used to merchant for authorization purposes.2c2b91a3-9b73-4551-81ac-84e0d0360995
API_SECRETSecret used to merchant for authorization purposes in API and webhooks signing.ktMdTyollYMRkEfvgqbaWmvFiXPy1a80
ENDPOINTS_KEYEndpoints authorization key. Used to access the API.AIzaSyBiVfwG--8qIr4GOGuC2-XYoulwqqAAAAA

Through these docs the following variables will be used in the format {VARIABLE_NAME}.

Use these headers in all API requests to the server, including both GET and POST requests.

Note that header values are case sensitive, but header names are not.

If data about these headers is missing in the request or is incorrect, in this case the response will be returned as follows:

"args": {
"code": "S-404"
"message": "Invalid pos_id field or credentials"

Please keep your credentials confidential and refrain from sharing them with individuals not involved in the integration process.