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Split payment refund via the merchant portal

You can manually process a full refund for a split payment, as well as issue full or partial refunds for its sub-payments directly through the merchant portal.

To refund the full amount of a split payment:

  1. Within the "Transactions" section, find the required purchase or capture split payment in the list of transactions.
  2. Click the button for additional actions or proceed to the details of the transaction by clicking on the corresponding record.
  3. Select the "Refund" feature.
  4. Apply the feature, the full amount of the split payment will be set to refund.

To make a full or partial refund of a sub-payment:

  1. Within the "Transactions" section, find the required purchase or capture split payment in the list of transactions.
  2. Expand the list of nested sub-payments included in the split payment by clicking on the corresponding icon. You can also see the split payment structure in the transaction details by clicking on the corresponding record. An image from the static
  3. Click the button on the icon to make a refund in the section of the corresponding sub-payment. An image from the static
  4. Set the desired sub-payment amount for refund and apply the feature.

See also: