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General information

If you need to make a refund to the customer for a previously made split payment, for example, in the case of returning a sold product, you can use the Refund feature.

The feature allows you to refund both the full amount of a split payment and just a part of the amount that corresponds to a separate subpayment. At the same time, you can make partial refunds for the same subpayment several times until the total amount of the refund reaches the full amount of the subpayment.

Refunds can only be made for a split payment that has been successfully completed. This applies to both Purchase and Capture types of transactions.


If you want to issue a refund for a two-step payment that has not yet been Captured, use the Void feature.

A split payment refund can only be made if the account balance of the corresponding submerchant(s) in our system is sufficient to carry out such a transaction. Otherwise, the transaction will fail.


Note: that the maximum time frame for a refund is based on individual bank policy, but is usually 180 days from the date of payment.

Refund transactions have the type "Refund" and are displayed with this value in the merchant portal, regardless of whether it was a refund of the full amount of a split payment or a refund of all or part of the amount of a subpayment.

Making a refund