Payouts to cards
This payment method allows you to use only direct integration for payments.
Interaction format:
Note: the use of direct integration when collecting card data on the merchant side requires PCI DSS certification.
Features of payment transactions:
- Use the HTTP
method to create a payout transaction.
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
pos_id | UUID | ✅ | Merchant's identifier (POS_ID ) |
mode | MODE | ✅ | direct |
method | METHOD | ✅ | credit |
amount | Number | ✅ | Transaction amount |
currency | CURRENCY | ✅ | Transaction currency (ISO_4217) |
description | String | ✅ | Payment description |
order_id | String | ✅ | Unique identifier of transfer |
cc_number | CC_NUMBER | Recipient's card number | |
cc_token | String | Card token | |
order_3ds_bypass | String | ✅ | 3-D Secure flow option |
customer_id | String | Customer's identifier in merchant's system | |
customer_fname | String | Customer’s first name. The parameter is mandatory for merchants operating in either the microfinance sector or the iGaming sector | |
customer_lname | String | Customer’s last name. The parameter is mandatory for merchants operating in either the microfinance sector or the iGaming sector | |
customer_patronym | String | Customer’s patronym | |
customer_email | String | Customer's email | |
customer_phone | String | Customer's phone | |
customer_ip | String | ✅ | Customer's IP address |
customer_country | String | Customer’s country (ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2)). For instance, UA for Ukraine | |
customer_city | String | Customer's city | |
customer_birthday | String | Customer's birthday (format: yyyy-MM-dd ). The parameter is mandatory for merchants operating in either the microfinance sector or the iGaming sector | |
customer_tax_id | String | Customer’s tax identification number. The parameter is mandatory for merchants operating in the microfinance sector when the payout amount exceeds 30 000 UAH | |
server_url | URL | Webhook notification will be sent to this URL | |
result_url | URL | Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment. | |
merchant_mcc | MCC | MCC for this transaction | |
payload | String | Field for custom data. Max 4000 symbols. | |
validation_url | URL | Preflight request will be sent to this URL | |
properties | JSON | Additional specific parameters for integrations |
In addition, the following parameter can also be passed in the request within the properties
Parameter | Type | Description |
is_operation_taxable | String | Displays the special taxation regime for the credit transaction. The parameter is mandatory for merchants operating in the iGaming sector |
The properties.is_operation_taxable
parameter is used by merchants who, in their activities, make payouts of rewards in favor of other individuals (such as iGaming, taxi services, etc.) to distinguish such transactions, as they have a special taxation regime, from the return of previously deposited customer funds. The values of the parameter are:
- false - refund of previously deposited client funds
- true - payment of rewards, winnings
For merchants operating in the iGaming sector, passing the parameters customer_fname
, customer_lname
, customer_birthday
, and is_operation_taxable
in credit transaction requests is mandatory.
For merchants that are microfinance institutions, providing the parameters customer_fname
, customer_lname
, as well as customer_birthday
in payout requests is mandatory. If the payout amount exceeds 30 000 UAH, the customer_tax_id
parameter becomes mandatory.
Example request using card data:
$ curl "" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-API-AUTH: CPAY ${API_KEY}:${API_SECRET}' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: ${ENDPOINTS_KEY}' \
--header 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
--header 'Cookie: psessionid=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImNzcmZUb2tlbiI6IjFmYzYzOTMxMDNkYzQ0NTc2ZmE5ODNlMjNjMWI2ZjY3NjY0YjEyNDUtMTcyMTM3NzA5MjY1Mi1kZWM1YjExZWQ5Y2RlNTBjY2JlYmVmMjMifSwibmJmIjoxNzIxMzc3MDkyLCJpYXQiOjE3MjEzNzcwOTJ9.2II15Dxju3mz2umPic-NHlzXdJ5rObHMqYj2sUldkHM' \
--data '{
"pos_id": "238afc85-a179-41d3-9ad7-e8ccaa803dc5",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "credit",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "Credit description",
"order_id": "01586b85-78c0-4bfd-807d-c7124e7be186",
"order_3ds_bypass": "always",
"cc_number": "4242424242424242",
"server_url": "",
"result_url": "",
"payload": "sale=true",
"is_operation_taxable": "true"
Example request using token:
$ curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-API-AUTH: CPAY ${API_KEY}:${API_SECRET}' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: ${ENDPOINTS_KEY}' \
--header 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
--header 'Cookie: psessionid=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImNzcmZUb2tlbiI6IjFmYzYzOTMxMDNkYzQ0NTc2ZmE5ODNlMjNjMWI2ZjY3NjY0YjEyNDUtMTcyMTM3NzA5MjY1Mi1kZWM1YjExZWQ5Y2RlNTBjY2JlYmVmMjMifSwibmJmIjoxNzIxMzc3MDkyLCJpYXQiOjE3MjEzNzcwOTJ9.2II15Dxju3mz2umPic-NHlzXdJ5rObHMqYj2sUldkHM' \
--data '{
"pos_id": "238afc85-a179-41d3-9ad7-e8ccaa803dc5",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "credit",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "Credit description",
"order_id": "01586b85-78c0-4bfd-807d-c7124e7be186",
"order_3ds_bypass": "always",
"cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
"server_url": "",
"result_url": "",
"payload": "sale=true",
"is_operation_taxable": "true"
Response parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
payment_id | UUID | Unique Financial Line payment identifier |
order_id | String(≤256) | Unique identifier of order |
gateway_order_id | GW_ID | Unique order identifier in bank acquirer system. |
billing_order_id | BILLING_ID | Unique Financial Line billing identifier |
transaction_id | UUID | Financial Line transaction identifier |
pos_id | UUID | Merchant's identifier (POS_ID ) |
mode | MODE | direct |
method | METHOD | credit |
amount | Number | Transaction amount |
currency | CURRENCY | Transaction currency (ISO_4217) |
description | String(≤2048) | Payment description |
status | STATUS | Transaction status |
status_code | STATUS_CODE | Financial Line payment status code |
status_description | String | Financial Line payment status code description |
user_action_required | Boolean | Either customer action is required to proceed with payment |
eci | ECI | Electronic Commerce Indicator - authentication result of credit card payment on 3D Secure |
mcc | MCC | MCC for this transaction |
options_3ds | String | 3-D Secure flow option |
cc_mask | CC_MASK | Card number mask |
cc_token | CC_TOKEN | Financial Line card token generated for this card |
cc_token_expiration | TIMESTAMP | Token expiration timestamp |
customer_id | String | Customer's identifier in merchant's system |
customer_ip | IP | Customer's IP address |
customer_fname | String | Customer's first name |
customer_lname | String | Customer's last name |
customer_email | String | Customer's email |
customer_phone | String | Customer's phone |
customer_country | String | Customer country (ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2)). For instance, UA for Ukraine |
customer_city | String | Customer's city |
customer_birthday | Date | Customer's birthday |
result_url | URL | Customer will be redirected to this URL after payment. |
created_at | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when transaction was created |
processed_at | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when transaction was updated last time |
payload | String(≤4096) | Field for custom data. |
properties | JSON | Additional specific parameters for integrations |
receipt_url | URL | URL link to the receipt for the corresponding transaction |
Response example:
"payment_id": "9b1392a5-d030-4e85-b02d-9b7191ea2a5e",
"order_id": "123",
"gateway_order_id": "9B39A076243EB3EBB0925EAA981763AC:158545961",
"billing_order_id": "11231231231",
"transaction_id": "a8d80c86-0c7b-41bc-b63d-1e78f80edcd9",
"pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "credit",
"amount": 1,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "P2P description",
"status": "success",
"status_code": "1000",
"status_description": "Transaction is successful.",
"user_action_required": false,
"eci": "7",
"mcc": "4900",
"options_3ds": "supported",
"cc_mask": "424242******4242",
"cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
"cc_token_expiration": "2020-10-10T10:10:22",
"customer_id": "123",
"customer_ip": "",
"customer_fname": "Tom",
"customer_lname": "Hanks",
"customer_email": "",
"customer_phone": "+380999999999",
"customer_country": "UA",
"customer_city": "Ivano-Frankivsk",
"customer_birthday": "1999-04-02",
"result_url": "",
"created_at": "2018-10-10T10:10:22.100",
"processed_at": "2018-10-10T10:10:23.300",
"payload": "sale=true",
"properties": {
"recipient_doc_issued_by":"Kyiv RV UMVS",
"recipient_address":"Kyiv City, Akademika Yangelia St. 18/1, ap. 309",
"receipt_url": ""
To test the payment process:
- Create an account in the merchant portal.
- Use the authentication data of the test project.
- Configure webhooks.
- Use the test data to obtain different operation result codes.
- Handle received errors.
Find more details in the integration checklist.
After testing, in order to go live, please proceed as follows:
- Create a live project in the merchant portal.
- Pass PCI DSS certification (if you intend to work with card data of payers on your side).
- After receiving information from our Compliance team about the completion of the settings for the project, make changes to the authentication data using the data of the live project.
- You are ready to work with payouts.