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Payouts to cards

This payment method allows you to use only direct integration for payments.

Interaction format:

Scheme services


Note: the use of direct integration when collecting card data on the merchant side requires PCI DSS certification.

Features of payment transactions:

  • Use the HTTP POST method to create a payout transaction.

Request parameters:

pos_idUUIDMerchant's identifier (POS_ID)
amountNumberTransaction amount. Must be a positive number. The number of decimal digits must be less than or equal to 2 (e.g., 100.00, 250, 50.50)
currencyCURRENCYTransaction currency (ISO_4217)
descriptionStringPayment description
order_idStringUnique identifier of transfer
cc_numberCC_NUMBERRecipient's card number
cc_tokenStringCard token
order_3ds_bypassString3-D Secure flow option
customer_idStringCustomer's identifier in merchant's system
customer_fnameStringCustomer's first name
customer_lnameStringCustomer's last name
customer_emailStringCustomer's email
customer_phoneStringCustomer's phone
customer_ipStringCustomer's IP address
customer_countryStringCustomer country (ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2)). For instance, UA for Ukraine
customer_cityStringCustomer's city
customer_birthdayDateCustomer's birthday (format: yyyy-MM-dd)
server_urlURLWebhook notification will be sent to this URL
result_urlURLCustomer will be redirected to this URL after payment.
merchant_mccMCCMCC for this transaction
payloadStringField for custom data. Max 4000 symbols.
validation_urlURLPreflight request will be sent to this URL
propertiesJSONAdditional specific parameters for integrations

Additionally, the following parameters can be passed in the request within the properties object:

recipient_first_nameStringRecipient's first name
recipient_middle_nameStringRecipient's middle name
recipient_last_nameStringRecipient's last name
recipient_doc_numberStringRecipient's document number
recipient_doc_issue_dateDateRecipient's document issue date (format: yyyy-MM-dd)
recipient_doc_issued_byStringRecipient's place that issued his/her document
recipient_phoneStringRecipient's phone
recipient_birth_dateDateRecipient's birth date (format: yyyy-MM-dd)
recipient_birth_placeStringRecipient's birth place
recipient_countryStringRecipient's citizenship (ISO_3166-2)
recipient_cityStringRecipient's city
recipient_addressStringRecipient's address
recipient_postcodeStringRecipient's postcode
wallet_numberStringWallet number
is_operation_taxableStringDisplays the special taxation regime for the credit transaction

The properties.is_operation_taxable parameter is used by merchants operating in the iGaming sector to differentiate between the return of previously deposited customer funds (false) and winnings payouts (true), which are subject to a special taxation regime.

Depending on what is used in the request — full card details or a token — you need to pass the following parameters:

  • Using the full card number: cc_number
  • Using a token: cc_token

Example request using card data:

$ curl "" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-API-AUTH: CPAY ${API_KEY}:${API_SECRET}' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: ${ENDPOINTS_KEY}' \
--header 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
--header 'Cookie: psessionid=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImNzcmZUb2tlbiI6IjFmYzYzOTMxMDNkYzQ0NTc2ZmE5ODNlMjNjMWI2ZjY3NjY0YjEyNDUtMTcyMTM3NzA5MjY1Mi1kZWM1YjExZWQ5Y2RlNTBjY2JlYmVmMjMifSwibmJmIjoxNzIxMzc3MDkyLCJpYXQiOjE3MjEzNzcwOTJ9.2II15Dxju3mz2umPic-NHlzXdJ5rObHMqYj2sUldkHM' \
--data '{
"pos_id": "238afc85-a179-41d3-9ad7-e8ccaa803dc5",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "credit",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "Credit description",
"order_id": "01586b85-78c0-4bfd-807d-c7124e7be186",
"order_3ds_bypass": "always",
"cc_number": "4242424242424242",
"server_url": "",
"result_url": "",
"payload": "sale=true",
"is_operation_taxable": "true"

Example request using token:

$ curl --location 'https://[WL_domain]/api/v1/payment' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-API-AUTH: CPAY ${API_KEY}:${API_SECRET}' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: ${ENDPOINTS_KEY}' \
--header 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
--header 'Cookie: psessionid=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImNzcmZUb2tlbiI6IjFmYzYzOTMxMDNkYzQ0NTc2ZmE5ODNlMjNjMWI2ZjY3NjY0YjEyNDUtMTcyMTM3NzA5MjY1Mi1kZWM1YjExZWQ5Y2RlNTBjY2JlYmVmMjMifSwibmJmIjoxNzIxMzc3MDkyLCJpYXQiOjE3MjEzNzcwOTJ9.2II15Dxju3mz2umPic-NHlzXdJ5rObHMqYj2sUldkHM' \
--data '{
"pos_id": "238afc85-a179-41d3-9ad7-e8ccaa803dc5",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "credit",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "Credit description",
"order_id": "01586b85-78c0-4bfd-807d-c7124e7be186",
"order_3ds_bypass": "always",
"cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
"server_url": "",
"result_url": "",
"payload": "sale=true",
"is_operation_taxable": "true"

Response parameters:

payment_idUUIDUnique Financial Line payment identifier
order_idString(≤256)Unique identifier of order
gateway_order_idGW_IDUnique order identifier in bank acquirer system.
billing_order_idBILLING_IDUnique Financial Line billing identifier
transaction_idUUIDFinancial Line transaction identifier
pos_idUUIDMerchant's identifier (POS_ID)
amountNumberTransaction amount
currencyCURRENCYTransaction currency (ISO_4217)
descriptionString(≤2048)Payment description
statusSTATUSTransaction status
status_codeSTATUS_CODEFinancial Line payment status code
status_descriptionStringFinancial Line payment status code description
user_action_requiredBooleanEither customer action is required to proceed with payment
eciECIElectronic Commerce Indicator - authentication result of credit card payment on 3D Secure
mccMCCMCC for this transaction
options_3dsString3-D Secure flow option
cc_maskCC_MASKCard number mask
cc_tokenCC_TOKENFinancial Line card token generated for this card
cc_token_expirationTIMESTAMPToken expiration timestamp
customer_idStringCustomer's identifier in merchant's system
customer_ipIPCustomer's IP address
customer_fnameStringCustomer's first name
customer_lnameStringCustomer's last name
customer_emailStringCustomer's email
customer_phoneStringCustomer's phone
customer_countryStringCustomer country (ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2)). For instance, UA for Ukraine
customer_cityStringCustomer's city
customer_birthdayDateCustomer's birthday
result_urlURLCustomer will be redirected to this URL after payment.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when transaction was created
processing_timeTIMESTAMPTimestamp when transaction was updated last time
payloadString(≤4096)Field for custom data.
propertiesJSONAdditional specific parameters for integrations

Response example:

"payment_id": "9b1392a5-d030-4e85-b02d-9b7191ea2a5e",
"order_id": "123",
"gateway_order_id": "9B39A076243EB3EBB0925EAA981763AC:158545961",
"billing_order_id": "11231231231",
"transaction_id": "a8d80c86-0c7b-41bc-b63d-1e78f80edcd9",
"pos_id": "dc728de1-51ef-4ef1-80f7-3b44b07b5667",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "credit",
"amount": 1,
"currency": "UAH",
"description": "P2P description",
"status": "success",
"status_code": "1000",
"status_description": "Transaction is successful.",
"user_action_required": false,
"eci": "7",
"mcc": "4900",
"options_3ds": "supported",
"cc_mask": "424242******4242",
"cc_token": "ODJkZjBhNmY2OTMyNDJlN2wjMjFjfTQzOXU3ZDFhYzI6cWJmWHFmMHlzM3hYaXJMWEZv",
"cc_token_expiration": "2020-10-10T10:10:22",
"customer_id": "123",
"customer_ip": "",
"customer_fname": "Tom",
"customer_lname": "Hanks",
"customer_email": "",
"customer_phone": "+380999999999",
"customer_country": "UA",
"customer_city": "Ivano-Frankivsk",
"customer_birthday": "1999-04-02",
"result_url": "",
"created_at": "2018-10-10T10:10:22.100",
"processing_time": "2018-10-10T10:10:23.300",
"payload": "sale=true",
"properties": {
"recipient_doc_issued_by":"Kyiv RV UMVS",
"recipient_address":"Kyiv City, Akademika Yangelia St. 18/1, ap. 309",

To test the payment process:

Find more details in the integration checklist.

After testing, in order to go live, please proceed as follows:

  1. Create a live project in the merchant portal.
  2. Pass PCI DSS certification (if you intend to work with card data of payers on your side).
  3. After receiving information from our Compliance team about the completion of the settings for the project, make changes to the authentication data using the data of the live project.
  4. You are ready to work with payouts.

See also: