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Payment receipts

Financial Line provides the ability to generate receipts in the form of a PDF file or raw HTML for successful payments. Such receipts serve as confirmation for customers that a payment has been made and are available for purchase and capture transactions.

The receipt includes such data as:

  • Receipt number, date and time of payment.
  • Unique identifier of the project through which the payment was made.
  • Payment identifier.
  • Order description and transaction type.
  • Payment amount and fee.
  • Data about the payment instrument used for the payment.

You can obtain receipts using one of the following methods:

  • Automatic delivery of receipts to your email for payments made within a specific project.
  • Retrieving receipts through an API request.
  • Manual download of receipts via the merchant portal.

Automatic receipt delivery

The automatic receipt delivery option allows for emails with receipts in PDF format to be sent to the specified email address for every successful transaction of the above-mentioned types. To configure this receipt delivery method, please contact Financial Line.

API-Based receipt downloads

We offer the option to request receipts through our API. This method enables receiving receipts in either HTML or PDF formats.

To receive a receipt for a particular payment, the GET HTTP method request must be made, including the following set of parameters:

POS_IDStringMerchant's identifier (POS_ID)
ORDER_IDStringMerchant's order identifier
FORMATStringReceipt format (html, pdf)

Request example:

$ curl -i "${POS_ID}/orders/${ORDER_ID}/report/receipt?format=${FORMAT}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

The response to the request will be provided in raw HTML format.

If needed, you can also retrieve receipts for all successful payments made on a specific date. To do so, you must include the following set of parameters in your request:

POS_IDStringMerchant's identifier (POS_ID)
DATEStringDate in yyyy-MM-dd format
FORMATStringReceipt format (html, pdf)

Request example:

$ curl -i "${POS_ID}/date/${DATE}/report/receipt?format=${FORMAT}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Upon making such a request, you will receive a ZIP archive containing all receipts for payments made on the date specified in the request.

Downloading receipts through the merchant portal

With the functionality of the merchant portal, you can easily download receipts in PDF format for successful transactions of the above-mentioned types. You can download a transaction receipt in two ways:

  1. Proceed to the "Transactions" section, find the required transaction, click the button to initiate additional actions, and select the corresponding option from the list. Схема взаємодії сервісів

  2. In the "Transactions" section, find the required transaction and view its details by clicking on the corresponding record. In the details of the transaction, select the corresponding option from the list of additional actions located in the upper right corner of the page. Схема взаємодії сервісів

Once you have followed one of these ways, the receipt file will be automatically downloaded to your computer or mobile device.