Advanced usage
Incorporating order IDs in requests
If the orderId
parameter is not passed during the payment widget initialization, a new widget session will be created with an automatically generated order ID. To use your custom order ID in the widget initialization request, ensure you pass the desired value using the orderId
parameter. This also allows you to display an existing payment if a widget session with that specific orderId
has been created previously.
Example of widget initialization with the passing of an order ID:
const widget = PaymentWidget.init({
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
mode: 'popup',
payment: {
type: 'hold',
orderId: '1002289582',
description: 'Payment #1002289582',
amount: 1.99,
currency: 'UAH',
serverUrl: ''
Event handling
To handle events triggered by the payment widget, it is necessary to register a callback feature. This can be achieved by incorporating a call to the on(eventName, callback)
method within the widget initialization code, specifying the event name and the corresponding callback function.
Example of widget initialization with the registration of a function for event processing:
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
mode: 'popup',
payment: {
type: 'hold',
amount: 1.99,
currency: 'UAH'
}).on('widget.ready', function(data){
// ready
}).on('widget.error', function(data){
// error
}).on('payment.success', function(data){
// success
}).on('payment.failed', function(data){
// failed
The payment widget supports the following events:
Event Name | Description |
widget.ready | Payment widget has been successfully initiated |
widget.error | An error occurred during the initialization of the payment widget |
payment.success | Payment has been successfully completed |
payment.failed | Payment has failed |
Passing information on products
You can include a list of products in the payment widget initialization request, and these products will be incorporated into the corresponding payment. Please note that, at present, the product list is not visible on the payment widget.
For taxation purposes when using SBCR, it is mandatory to include information about products in the request.
Transmitting data on payer
Some payment gateways may necessitate the inclusion of extra details about the payer. You can include this additional information in the payment widget initialization request.
Example of initializing a payment widget with product details, payer information, and handling all events:
const widget = PaymentWidget.init({
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
mode: 'embedded',
selector: '#widget',
payment: {
type: 'hold',
orderId: '1002289582',
description: 'Payment #1002289582',
amount: 399.98,
currency: 'UAH',
serverUrl: '',
products: [
name: "Xiaomi fan",
price: 199.99,
quantity: 2
payer: {
id: '10000123',
firstName: 'John',
middleName: '',
lastName: 'Doe',
phone: '+123456789',
email: '',
birthDate: '1990-01-01',
billingAddress: {
line1: '',
line2: '',
city: 'LA',
country: 'US',
state: 'CA',
postalCode: '90001'
.on('widget.ready', function(data){})
.on('widget.error', function(data){})
.on('payment.success', function(data){})
.on('payment.failed', function(data){});
Configurable payment widget closure
The payment widget can be programmatically closed in response to specific events. This feature enables you to either respond to callbacks received (e.g., transaction failures) or initiate closure proactively at your request.
Request example (the widget will be closed upon receiving a callback indicating a failed transaction):
const widget = PaymentWidget.init({
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
mode: 'popup',
payment: {
type: 'hold',
amount: 1.99,
currency: 'UAH'
widget.on('payment.failed', function(data){
// failed
The payment widget can be displayed in various languages, and you have the flexibility to set custom values for any parameter shown to the payer.
The languages for the payment widget are configured using the locale
Supported locales include:
Parameter value | Language |
en | English |
uk | Ukrainian |
ru | Russian |
If no language values are specified in the initialization request for the payment widget, the default language used will be determined by the payer's browser settings, as indicated by the browser's fingerprint. If the browser language is set to uk
or ru
, the widget will display in Ukrainian. For all other languages, it will default to English.
Request example:
apiKey: "test_E3PALDNAQ11OV9D0141MKB3I9RJRJDR2MJPP",
mode: "embedded",
selector: '#widget',
locale: 'en',
payment: {
type: "pay",
amount: 2.99,
currency: "UAH",
To customize the parameters of the payment widget, use the localization
Request example:
apiKey: "test_E3PALDNAQ11OV9D0141MKB3I9RJRJDR2MJPP",
mode: "embedded",
selector: '#widget',
locale: 'en',
localization: {
"en": {
"submit": "Donate",
"fr": {
payment: {
type: "pay",
amount: 2.99,
currency: "UAH",
List of customizable UI components in the payment widget:
Parameter | Description | Default value EN | Default value UK | Default value RU |
chooseAnother | Section to pay using a card | or enter card details | або введіть дані картки | или введите данные карты |
orderNum | Order number | Order No. | Замовлення | Номер заказа |
optional | Optional field indicator | Optional | Опціонально | опционально |
cardNumber | Input field for the card number | Card number | Номер карти | Номер карты |
cardExpDate | Input field for the card expiration date | Card expiry | Термін дії картки | Срок действия |
cvv | Input field for card verification value/code | CVV2/СVC2 | CVV2/СVC2 | CVV2/СVC2 |
submit | Payment button for the card option | Pay | Сплатити | Оплатить |
errorCardNumberField | Error message for the card number field | Card number is not valid | Номер картки недійсний | Номер карты недействителен |
errorExpDateField | Error message for the card expiration date field | Expiration date is not valid | Дата закінчення терміну дії картки недійсна | Дата истечения срока карты недействительна |
errorCvvField | Error message for the card verification value/code field | CVV is not valid | CVV недійсний | CVV недействителен |
errorRequiredField | Error message for a mandatory field | Required field | Обов'язкове поле | Обязательное поле |
successPayment | Notification of successful payment | Your payment is successful! | Ваш платіж успішний! | Ваш платеж успешный! |
failedPayment | Notification of failed payment | Your payment is unsuccessful! | Ваш платіж неуспішний! | Платёж не отправлен |
paymentIsNotCompleted | Notification when payment is in process | Processing payment | Опрацьовуємо платіж | Обрабатываем платёж |
pendingExpired | Notification for transactions lacking a confirmed final status | If funds have already been withdrawn from your card, please wait up to 5 minutes for payment confirmation. | Якщо кошти вже були списані з картки, будь ласка, зачекайте до 5 хвилин для отримання фінального статусу платежу. | Если средства уже были списаны с карты, пожалуйста, подождите до 5 минут, чтобы получить окончательный статус платежа. |
wait | Button to request the current status of transactions | Wait | Зачекати | Подождать |
redirectRequiredTitle | Notification in the embedded payment widget advising customers to undergo 3DS verification | Click to Open 3DS Verification Window | Натисніть, щоб відкрити вікно підтвердження 3DS | Нажмите, чтобы открыть окно подтверждения 3DS |
redirectRequiredButton | Button in the embedded payment widget to initiate 3DS verification | Proceed with 3DS Verification | Продовжити з перевіркою 3DS | Продолжить с проверкой 3DS |