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Setting up software-based cash register

How to set up SBCR

  1. Register your cash register with our SBCR service provider

    Available SBCR services
    Currently, the only available service is Cash Desk

  2. Add new parameters to API request

In addition to the standard set of parameters for payment requests, it is required to include product data for all payments and refunds (purchase, auth, capture, and refund transactions).

products.idUUIDUnique product identifier
products.nameStringProduct name
products.amount NumberPrice per unit of goods/work/service
products.qtyNumberQuantity (total payment amount = product.qty * product.amount)
products.unitStringUnit of measurement (allowed values are kg, m, pc, l)
products.bar_codeStringProduct barcode (optional for fiscalization but mandatory for the "National cashback" program)
customer_emailStringCustomer’s email. Required if products.fiscalReceiptDelivery = “email”
customer_phoneStringCustomer mobile phone. Required if products.fiscalReceiptDelivery = “viber” or “sms”
products.taxes.typeStringType of tax (allowed values are vat, non-vat). If the business entity is not a VAT payer, the value non-vat must be provided.
products.taxes.prcNumberTax rate % (valid values: 0, 7, 14, 20)
products.fiscalReceiptDeliveryStringSpecifies the method by which the fiscal receipt will be delivered to the customer. Allowed values: email, viber, sms, none. Depending on the passed value, either the customer_phone or customer_email parameter is required.

Example of Body request:

"pos_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"mode": "direct",
"method": "purchase",
"amount": 100,
"currency": "UAH",
"cc_number": "4111111111111111",
"exp_month": 12,
"exp_year": 24,
"card_cvv": "123",
"order_id": "123456789",
"description":"Опис товару",
"payway": "cc",
"order_3ds_bypass": "supported",
"customer_email": "",
"customer_phone": "+38(066) 123-45-67",
"products": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "product name",
"unit": "pc",
"amount": 50,
"taxes": [{"type":"vat", "prc": 20}],
"qty": 2,
"fiscalReceiptDelivery": "email"
"server_url": "http://callback-stub:9000/consume"

In case of an error in one of the parameters responsible for the product data, the response will include an error message with information about the specific field that contains the invalid value.

Example of such a response:

"message": "Invalid products provided",
"args": [
"field_name": "products[0].name",
"violation": "..."
"field_name": "products[0].unit",
"violation": "..."
"field_name": "products[1].name",
"violation": "..."
"field_name": "products[1].unit",
"violation": "..."
"field_name": "products[0].id",
"violation": "..."
"field_name": "products[1].id",
"violation": "..."
"field_name": "products",
"violation": "..."

Prior to proceeding to the next step, it is imperative to make the above-mentioned changes to the API integration. Failure to introduce the necessary changes while setting up the SBCR will result in transaction failures due to missing mandatory parameters.

  1. Set up SBCR in merchant portal

  1. Open the general settings of the merchant account and select the SBCR option.

  2. Click the New Configuration button.

  3. Fill out the form:

    • Configuration name: any value of your choice.
    • Service provider: the provider of the SBCR service you register your cash register with (currently, only Cash Desk is available).
    • Cash register identifier (SBCR ID):
      An example value of the Cash Desk parameters "num_fiscal": “100000000000”
    • API token from the SBCR service provider:
      An example value of the Cash Desk parameters “api_token” : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    • Scope of application: select a required legal entity or private entrepreneur
    • Enable the application of SBCRs for payments switcher as it is shown in the image below.
  4. Check the entered data and submit the form.
    After submitting the form the SBCR application will be enabled for the corresponding configuration.


  5. Add a Digital Signature (DS) for signing fiscal receipts of the respective business entity.

    • In the SBCR section, select the Digital signatures tab.
    • Choose the option "Add digital signatures".
    • Enter the desired name for the DS and the business entity it belongs to.
    • Upload the key file and enter its password.
    • Confirm the upload by clicking the "Submit" button.


After this, subsequent fiscal receipts of the respective business entity will be signed with the uploaded key until it is replaced or deleted, or until its expiration date.


If you do not utilize the merchant portal, please reach out to your account manager or our support team at to enable the SBCR feature.