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Payment capture

Capture of the funds can be performed in one of the following ways:

  • By sending a request to the Financial Line API (API integration)

  • Manually via the merchant portal (capture in the merchant portal)

  • Automatically after a specified period of time after pre-authorization (contact Financial Line to configure this feature).


In two-step transactions, the capture may exceed the initially pre-authorized amount by up to 25%. For example, if the preliminary cost of an order is UAH 1,000, pre-authorized on the payer's account, and additional services during order fulfillment increase the total to UAH 1,250, this amount may be debited through the capture transaction. Please contact the Financial Line Center to explore the feasibility of utilizing this functionality and to learn about the maximum allowable excess over the pre-authorized amount.

Secondary operations of Capture type with two-step payment have the type "Capture" and are displayed with this value in the merchant portal. If only a part of the pre-authorized amount is captured, the other part is released and becomes available to the customer.

Carrying out a capture transaction